Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gatsby's True Background

In Chapter six we learn small, but true details of Gatsby's life. Evidently he didn't inherit money from his family, but from a man he had worked for. He had traveled around the seas, "...he was in turn steward, mate, skipper, secretary, and even jailor.."( Fitzgerald 100). I was surprised by this new detail of Gatsby. I had assumed that Gatsby had lied, or at least stretched the truth about his background. But I did not expect him to have been a sailor and have only earned $25,000. We also read of a past meeting, of Gatsby and daisy, which was most probably a moment of perfection for them. This past is what Gatsby is trying to recover. No matter how much he impresses Daisy, or how much he annoys Tom to his pleasure. Nothing will bring the past Daisy and their past love back. However, Gatsby doesn't seem to realize this. He believes, that he can and will repeat their past. As a reader, I can not see this happening. I believe that the two characters are still incredibly in love with each other. But this isn't enough. Daisy is married and has a child, and has money. Gatsby, in the past had nothing to be anymore noticed than the rest of the people daisy went out with, but instead he had all the love that no of the others didn't. Now I think it is some what of the opposite. He has the money, house, clothes, everything to make himself notice. He still  even has his love for daisy, which I think borderlines insanity. But Daisy's love isn't the same as is was, and it wont ever be again. I think this will complicate things in the future.

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